Specialisterne is Recruiting! - Applications must be submitted in full no later than August 13th
Specialisterne connects qualified neurodivergent candidates to employment opportunities in numerous industries and sectors in Canada and the US.
The Specialisterne program is reserved for people who identify as autistic or neuroatypical and who have voluntarily declared that they have one or more of the following disorders:
- Autism (including Asperger’s and PDD-NOS)
- Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
- Learning Disability (e.g., dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia)
- Intellectual Disability
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Tourette Syndrome
Employees who perceive the world and communicate in a different way contribute to the dynamism, innovation and productivity of the workplace. Yet traditional recruitment processes and management practices often present systemic barriers that prevent people with autism or other neurodivergent diagnoses from getting and keeping a job. Our process is designed to remove these barriers, providing job seekers with the opportunity to showcase their skills and abilities.
Specialisterne is proud to partner with PSPC on a Neurodiversity Hiring Initiative.
Public services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities are considered in its policies and practices. The Canadian public, PSPC employees, and its client departments should equally benefit from the delivery of PSPC’s mandate.