Creating Inclusive Communities
Each and every day our association works to ensure persons with an intellectual disability feel accepted, included and valued. We work hard to create communities where everyone can have a job, live in their own apartment and be supported by friends. We have been working towards this vision since 1984! We continue to be motivated by our successes and fired up when we come up against another roadblock along our path.
We have continued to weather the many challenges and stay the course to the uphold the values and vision of our founding members:
- to raise awareness, educate, inform our families, professionals and the general public
- to influence policies and practices
- to protect the rights, promote the interests, enhance the quality of life of and ensure Better Futures for individuals with an intellectual disability, and their families.
We could not continue to do this without the support of our families and community partners.
Advocacy remains the primary focus of our efforts
Many of the individuals and families we represent still struggle to have their basic rights met, those same rights many others take for granted.
- The RIGHT to a quality education . . . not just to attend school
- The RIGHT to a real job with real pay . . . not just day activities
- The RIGHT to a home . . . not just a place to reside
- The RIGHT to belong to be welcomed . . . not just tolerated
We remain committed to the values of Inclusiveness, Equity and Rights for ALL, and to ensuring those most vulnerable amoung us have a real voice and are listened to.