- So many beautiful decorations are used on the trees. You have to experience the Gala to appreciate the effort that our sponsors take to make Your tree just perfect.
- Each tree comes with a tree skirt, often home made by our sponsors. The trees are also delivered FREE of charge after the event if you live in the Greater Moncton area.
- For the weeks leading up to the Gala, people are welcome to view the trees. They are lit up at night and usher in the Christmas Season in the Downtown. You can even place Advance Bids on the trees
- The event begins with a Kick off event where sponsors decorate their trees at Assomption Place in early November.
- A lot of hard work and love goes into these trees. Our sponsors take great care to make YOUR tree just perfect.
- Enjoy a dinner followed by a live and silent auction. There are items for everyone. Bid on your favourite tree.
- After all the excitement of the auctions are done, relax with friends (new and old) to reflect on your support for this great cause
- Be a TITLE Sponsor of the event
- Be a TREE Sponsor - Decorate a Tree
- Reserve a Decorated Tree (for your business or home or to gift to someone) ($1,000 bid)
- Sponsor a portion of the Event, (e.g. promotion; advertising; the artificial Trees; decorations; the meal, etc.)
- Host a TREE to be raffled at your Business
- Cash Donations to help offset some of the expenses of the event
- Donate items to the Auction
- Donate decorations for the Wreath decorating
- Donate Door Prizes
- Purchase tickets to the Gala for yourself, for your staff or to donate to others individuals or groups
- Consider having your staff party at the Gala; come with family, coworkers; friends, and ENJOY the evening
- Bid on a tree to be displayed at you own business or home or to 'gift' to someone else
- Bid on items in the Auction
IASENB offers many opportunities for businesses to be recognized for their support including:
TITLE Sponsors are identified:
- In the Event Title;
TITLE & MAJOR Sponsors are identified:
- In all promotional materials
- During the public display of the Trees at the GALA (includes TREE Sponsors)
- On the Inclusion Advocacy website
- In media coverage of the Event
- ALL Sponsors & Donors: are recognized at the event in the Event programs.
You may want to consider being a Title Sponsor of this event. This could be the "your business” TREES for a Brighter Future Event. Please contact us for a discovery call to see if we share common goals or a common audience.
Again this year IA SENB will have a limited number of 7 to 7.5 foot artificial Christmas Trees, sponsored by community businesses, groups and individuals. Some sponsors from last year have already reserved a Tree for this year. Reserve your Tree soon if you are interested in sponsoring the decorating of a Tree for the Auction. Sponsoring a tree entails purchasing the decorations (which must include tree lights, a tree skirt and topper), as well as the decorating of the Tree. These trees will be displayed in a high-traffic area publicly.
Details including date and location will be provided to Auction Trees Sponsors. The decorated Trees remain on public display (with the names and logos of the sponsors on them) until the day they are auctioned. (Advance bidding is also provided for those who may not be able to attend the event).
Some Trees may be raffled at selected businesses. The Trees are delivered in the local area (fully decorated and wrapped), at no charge to the winning bidder, the following week. As you may have seen from previous events, the Trees have been magnificent . . . some valued at $1000. or more.
NEW this year IA SENB, in partnership with Canadian Tire (one of Canada’s largest companies), is seeking nominations from the community for a family or organization in need of a fully decorated artificial Christmas tree. Please email us at contactus@inclusionadvocacy.ca with the name of the family or organization you are nominating along with the reason you feel they should be gifted with a Christmas tree this year. The winner will be selected by random draw at the event. This tree will be displayed on site at Canadian Tire on Mountain Road.
VOLUNTEER: with any of the many aspects of this event.
- Recruiting and coordinating: the many needed volunteers.
- The Kick Off: setting up, helping with the decorating, providing and serving the refreshment, clean up.
- Soliciting: Sponsors and Donations.
- Picking up: Donations
- Assisting: with Advance Bidding
- Wreath Decorating,
- Setting up and decorating the 11 ft. Tree at a Host Community location
- The GALA, Set Up, Greeters, Cash Custody, Entertainment, Silent Auction, Trees Wrapped for Delivery, Clean Up
- Wrap Up and Thank You