Friday, July 29, 2022
Good afternoon;
The NBCPD has been contacted to participate in a study of those who have faced an eviction/forced move in the last 5 years and are now stably housed.
- The research team will collect your story, but you will remain anonymous in the report.
- This report will be made public and presented to the House of Commons in 2023.
- This is your chance to have your say in the housing not miss it.
There will be a small stipend ($25)
If you are interested- please respond with "evictions" in the subject line.
We are also asking people to share the poster on their social do not need to be a person with a disability to participate
- anyone in NB who has had to move in the last 5 years because : rent went up too high, new owner renting to family or keeping for themselves, a renoviction, unit no longer fits your need