COVID 19 Survey
Earlier today, Statistics Canada launched a survey on how COVID-19 is impacting Canadians with disabilities and those with long-term health conditions. The survey includes questions about employment, household expenses, support networks, and access to services.
The more people who answer the survey, the better the results and analysis will be. You are encouraged to complete the survey and to reach out to your staff, volunteers, the people you serve, partners, and anyone else in your network to let them know about it.
Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadians - Living with Long-Term Conditions and Disabilities
The survey will be posted online until July 6th.
The current questionnaire focuses on how the pandemic is affecting people who have a long-term condition or disability.
We are asking about the challenges of living with a long-term condition or disability during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how that has impacted employment, household expenses, and access to health services. Anybody living in Canada who has a long-term condition or disability, including an undiagnosed condition, can participate. Caregivers may also respond on behalf of someone who cannot participate on their own.
Your participation is important!
This information will be used by government organizations such as the Public Health Agency of Canada and Employment and Social Development Canada, and other types of organizations, to evaluate the delivery of health and social services and economic support, and to ensure best practices are adopted when reopening workplaces and public spaces. Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.