GO BARRIER FREE: A study of gaps and best practices in information and communication technology accessibility solutions
A project funded by the Advancing Accessibility Standards Research Program Of Accessibility Standards Canada
New Brunswick Community College
Contact: William McIver Jr.
E-mail: bill.mciver@nbcc.ca
College Works.
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The Information and Communication Technology Research group within New Brunswick Community College has obtained funding from the Advancing Accessibility Standards Research Program of Accessibility Standards Canada to conduct a three-year study of accessibility standards. The purpose of this program is to support research that helps identify and remove barriers to accessibility. The program also seeks to fund projects aimed at preventing new barriers and that inform the development of next-generation model standards. Our study will examine accessibility standards in three areas:
- Information and communication technologies,
- The built environment, and
- Transportation.
As part of this design process, NBCC-MU is conducting a series of surveys and interviews with individuals who have disabilities and people who care for people with disabilities. This study has been approved by NBCC’s Research Ethics Board. Your participation could contribute to the improvement of accessibility standards for Information and communication technologies, the built environment, and transportation
You have a choice of two ways to participate:
- Online interview via videoconferencing.
- Online survey format.
Surveys and interviews last not more than 60 minutes. Interview questions will be provided in a written format in-person and digitally before the interview
For more details download this file .