Bill C-22 Passes Second Reading

The Latest Information about Bill C-22: Canada Disability Benefit

At 3:00pm EST on Tuesday Oct 18, MPs voted in a unanimous decision to pass the second reading of Bill C-22, the Canada Disability Act.

Every single Member of Parliament voted in favour of the Bill. It was a monumental and encouraging sign to have all-party support. This vote is a result of everyone's hard work in reaching out to MPs to discuss the importance of the legislation and the creation of the Canada Disability Benefit.

We all need to be proud of this moment.

This vote moves Bill C-22 to the Committee stage, where MPs on the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA) will study the Bill and hear from witnesses, people with disabilities, disability groups and others.

There is a lot more work to do before the Bill is passed into law and there are only 40 or so sitting days left in the Parliamentary calendar until the end of the year,

Inclusion Canada supports fast-tracking the Bill through the committee stage as quickly as possible while ensuring the Bill is adequately considered in the legislative process. After the Bill is considered by the Committee it then returns to the House of Commons for the Report Stage and the Third Reading debate before its final vote. Then it is sent to the Senate where it will go through all the same stages it went through in the House of Commons.

We will be pushing for a speedy process and quick passage for all these steps so the work can begin on designing and creating the Benefit through the regulatory process.

Our objective is to have the Bill passed by Parliament by December 2022 and see the Canadian Disability Benefit created as quickly as possible in 2023.

Posted in advocacy.