12 Days of Christmas

Tree #4

Enjoy finding the “12 days of Christmas” nestled in this gorgeous tree. Boughs adorned with rose golds, bronze distinct ,& glass balls of various shapes, accented by feathers in tear drops, pine cones, and mulberry sparkling poinsettias.
A Christmas classical tradition with a touch of modern flair. Something to Cheer about!

Sponsored by Olympia Allstar Cheerleading

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas, Tree How Lovely are Thy Branches" Contest

Click the VOTE button below and type either
  • Tree #4
  • 12 Days of Christmas
 in the text box "Message for Inclusion Advocacy SENB"

$1 = 1 vote for your favourite tree.

(So $20 = 20 votes!)


Vote as many times as you like.
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